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Why I Walked Out on Tony Robbins Last updated on May 19, 2018 After paying $2,000 for a ticket to Unleash the Power Within After the 3-hour flight out to California After fully committing, with a completely open heart I walked out of Tony Robbins' seminar. In this post, I will share why I went to Tony's event, what it was like, and why I walked out. I will also show you what I did after I left, and what I learned from the whole experience. If you're skeptical of friends who say, 'You have to go see Tony Robbins.' If you're on the fence about ($2,000) or ($5,000). This article is for you.

'But doesn't everyone LOVE Tony Robbins' events? Are you just a hater?' I know the diehard fans - the self-proclaimed Cult of Robbins who 'drink the Kool Aid' - are already having doubts about this article. 'This guy wasn't truly committed. He didn't do the work, because he was afraid.

Now he just wants to act like he's more enlightened than everyone else.' None of that is true. Here's what you should know about me I have a ton of respect for Tony Robbins.

I've read (or listened to) several of his books. I'm amazed by what he does (I recently shared ), and wanted to experience his coaching in person. A lot of my friends are big TR fans, and they all gave strong endorsements for UPW.

I'm not 'better than you' for walking out. I'm not writing this because I'm a sophisticated aristocrat who turns his nose up at self-help groups.

At many points in my life, I've been a total mess. I've about depression and addiction. I wrote about (then I about it).

I put in the work. I've had a ton of failures, and a few huge successes, because I'm constantly trying new things. Or how I intentionally gained 40 pounds in 2015, then got into the best shape of my life in 2016.

It wasn't easy to eat so much food, or to go to the gym every week, but I put in the effort to reach my goals. (You can read more about my goals in ). I've read hundreds of books and taken action, because I am 100% in on improving myself. ( that changed my life). I've also publicly documented for the last 15 YEARS.

If that's not 'doing the homework,' I don't know what is. I've attended a lot of paid seminars before, and loved them. A few events that changed my life were. Both were three days long, 5–8 hours per day. I didn't even consider walking out of either.

I've even hosted my own seminars! Last September, my company hosted our second annual conference, with over 200 attendees. I'm astonished Tony hosts events for 10,000 people at a time. SumoCon 2016 This article isn't 'fear driven.' I committed to the event for seven hours. The only thing I was afraid of was wasting more time.

Besides, I believe in helping people overcome their biggest fears - like talking to strangers,. Here's a speech I gave about overcoming fear: Finally, Tony Robbins is one of my customers. In addition to Appsumo, I run a sister company called. Tony's team uses our products. Do you really think I'm dumb enough to bash one of my highest profile customers? This article is written with love. In other words I'm not hating on Tony Robbins, or people who love his events.

I'm just defending a viewpoint few people ever bring up in public: the negative experience. Most people are hesitant to talk about experiences that make us sound foolish. We diminish our losses, we downplay the bad stuff - especially if it goes against the crowd. Think of Vegas. Hardly anyone says, 'I lost $2,000. It was a waste of time and money.'

We always say, 'It was fun! Almost broke-even. Hashtag WORTH IT.' For me, UPW wasn't worth it.

My Experience at ' Unleash The Power Within' In the days that lead up to the event, I felt nervous. The discomfort was reassuring. I'm going in the right direction. The two areas of my life I most wanted to tackle during the event were:.

How to better position myself to be in great relationships. How to create a work environment that continually motivates and excites me. Before the seminar began, I had a chance to talk with my neighbors. One was a recovering Jehovah's witness. The other was transitioning jobs in Los Angeles. We had a nice discussion about why we were there, what our struggles were, and what we hoped to get out of the seminar. Then, Tony came out on stage.

Tony's presentation skills were incredible. The guy has been doing this for 30 years, so I expected him to be good. He was great. Some of the things Tony did really well:. He encouraged us to meet our neighbors and keep each other excited.

He kept participation super high. He continually asked everyone to raise their hand and say 'I' if they agreed.

He also let the audience finish a lot of his sentences ( 'The truth will set you '). He challenged us: 'I'll deliver but you have to promise to commit. If you sit down during the dancing, then you aren't committed, and you aren't going to get what you came for.

Play full out with me.' . He repeated things over and over to drive points home and increase retention. He also backed up his claims with statistics.

He told great stories and incorporated a lot of humor. Of course, there were some things he did NOT do so well. At times, he was all over the place. ' Let's work on what you're afraid of Now let's talk about how to get anything you want Focus, mean it, do it!'

. There was conflict of interest. There's a day where we talk about health and nutrition. And then he sells supplements. Tony also mentions his other events, and encourages you to sign up for more seminars during the middle of UPW.

He name-dropped and bragged constantly. Credibility markers are essential for a presenter to be taken seriously - especially with an audience of 10,000 people. And we all know Tony has done some amazing things. But the number of times he mentioned his relationships with presidents, celebrities, and business people was overkill.

We get it — you have a private jet. Finally, Tony has the weirdest clap I've ever seen. In the first few hours of the seminar, we danced (a lot), massaged our neighbors, fanned our neighbors, did aerobic exercises, pumped our fists, watched Tony run through the audience like some idol, and other ra-ra tactics.

Still, these were minor annoyances. Those come with any event. None were deal-breakers. But as the day unfolded, I began to question whether this seminar was a good use of my time. Tony called on people in the front row and recited their names. Which made it seem like he knew everyone in the audience, though I'm sure they were his VIP ($75K per year) customers.

He called on John. 'What's your issue, John?' John wasn't loved. Here was Tony's response:. Everyone in the crowd faces that issue.

John should come up with a new name. 'Edward' walk towards Tony like a bad-ass.

Tell Tony you are unleashed (basically). Everyone in the audience say 'I love you, John.' Problem solved. Of course, no one expected Tony to solve John's emotional issues with some light role-play and applause. The whole sequence was superficial (and entertaining). Still, John clearly has deeper issues around his family. He wasn't loved enough.

I wanted John and Tony to go deep. I wanted to go deep. I wanted to do the hard work we needed to do. Then we had to massage our neighbors. Okay, I understand we need to break through social discomfort and energize ourselves, but I don't enjoy random dudes touching me. Hour 7 I looked at the agenda for the next three days. Then booklet work.

For two days. I looked back over my notes. Sure, there were some great takeaways, like. Dedicate time every week to work on yourself. Reflect upon whether you are growing, and making progress. What are you scared of right now? How can you move towards that?

Discomfort is your growth! Success without fulfillment is the ultimate failure. Look at things from appreciation and gratitude. Instead of complaining about traffic, appreciate that we have cars to get us to places faster.

Modeling is valuable. Study and replicate the people that have already figured out what you want to do. What's a goal that excites you?

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What goal would genuinely energize you immediately? What distractions are holding you back from your goals? These are his quotes I turned into instagram memes. 'No growth in comfort.' 'Success is how much uncertainty you can deal with.'

'Your worst day can be your best day' 'Complexity is the enemy of execution.' 'Have hunger that's insatiable, always expanding.' It finally hit me. I was officially dreading the rest of the seminar. To stay for three full days felt like a self-imposed prison, rather than an opportunity to genuinely grow.

I thought about what I most wanted to get out of my time, and whether this event was the best use of it. I decided it would be better for me to work on my specific issues, one-on-one with a friend. So, I walked out. Did I feel embarrassed? Did I feel disappointed?

But what I really felt, more than anything else Empowered. Empowered to make choices about what I want, and empowered to turn down the things I don't. What I Did After I Left Rather than fly home, I planned a ' Personal Development Day.'

Here's what I did the following day:. Drank coffee. Went on a 3-hour hike to discuss personal and professional growth with a friend. 90-minute personal development discussion (recorded on video).

Ate a healthy lunch. Reviewed some of Tony's other materials. Read a book. 60-minute discussion with my mastermind group, where I shared some of my biggest issues. Got a massage. Sushi dinner This may have been the best part about Tony's personal development seminar - it forced me to create my own.

Final Thoughts Tony has great intentions, a strong presence, and it's clear most of his attendees feel the event is worth the investment. I am in the minority, who asked for a refund. For many of his attendees, it seems there are deep-seated issues with a lack of love, and the belief that they are not enough.

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If you struggle with those issues, then Tony's seminars might change your life. For a few days, you will feel loved. For a few days, you will feel like you are enough. That's intoxicating, and many attendees (understandably) go back for more. For my friends, the seminar was overwhelmingly positive and deeply moving. For me, it felt superficial and cheesy.

I don't plan on attending another Tony Robbins' event. But I would, if his team made a few big changes:. More time to talk with the people around us.

The most valuable time, for me, was when we shared our lives with each other. We all attended for personal development, and we all faced similar challenges. Bonding over common ground was great, and I wish there was more time dedicated to it. Shorten the seminar to just ONE day. Less dancing, less hoopla, less fluff. Just get to the meat. We wouldn't need to be 'awakened' every 20 minutes if the event didn't take so long.

(Then again, maybe it's dragged out to create the sense that we got our money's worth.). Focus. The seminar felt too general. I know it's impossible to custom-tailor an event for 10,000 people, but more specific topics would have helped.

My good friend Tynan said it best: 'If you never quit, you probably aren't trying enough new things.' I don't regret attending Tony's seminar. Nor do I regret walking out. November 27, 2018 at 5:44 pm I too saw things I didn't like at his seminar. He dissed Robin Williams who was very sick and clean and sober 8 years before he died. He had a terrible medical condition that made him take his life. Tony indicated he had addictions that made him take his life.

He also did too much bragging about his life and people he knew. I took away some wonderfully positive things, but found some topics and issues that were 'off putting'. Being realistic is essential and I left early as it ran too long for me as well. November 23, 2018 at 11:56 am I just went to my first UPW last week. It was tremendous.

I highly recommend anyone go who has internal things holding them back. For you, the author, though, it sounds like (1) you needed something deeper at the time, you had already done so much work on yourself. And also (2) you weren’t “in the mood” to settle down and dig deep into the resource you had all around you. For example, grabbing the first line I saw from a quick scroll up, you mention the idea of practicing gratitude while stuck in traffic. Your response is that it’s glib, that you don’t need to pay so much money to learn that.

And, yeah, I get you. I see where you are. BUT if this were the first time you really thought deeply about the transformative power of gratitude, and that piece of the world was just opening up for you, or you knew but forgot how powerful gratitude is - then the practical advice of practicing gratitude in your car - something available to some of us twice daily, can make a real improvement in our experience of life, and make us better people.

Now, I’m personally good with gratitude — probably from listening so much to entrepreneur talks. But I didn’t used to be, and yes I’ve experienced that HUGE improvement in my life. But REALITY is that MOST people have NOT. As evidenced in the traffic. Could a self-aware person benefit from UPW? You just have to WANT TO. These concepts are infinitely deep.

For example keeping yourself in a peak state. Or priming yourself for the day.

Or working with self limiting beliefs. Maybe the author was simply afraid to walk on hot coals. We did that the first night, before he left. He didn’t have to do it, and no one would have know that he skipped it.

Lots of people chose not to do it. Also, it doesn’t have to cost $2000. My seat was $500. Tony didn’t stand next to me, no.

But I heard every word and saw everything. (And it was easier to get to the bathroom!!) In summary, the author really seems to have not been in the mood for going deeper on basic life changing principles. He just couldn’t settle down and get into it. And as he clearly explains in his description of what he did instead after leaving (note, he got his money back), he was more interested in one-on-one self improvement.

Meaning he chose the wrong event. (And yes Tony’s organization does offer one-on-one coaching across the world.) We have all been in a mood where we “just can’t get into this” and walked away.

Sometimes I personally have an evil desire to heckle very serious movies lol. But when I was at UPW, Tony explained, “This is not raa-raa shit.” There is a reason we participate physically and verbally — to get these concepts burned into our memory and subconscious minds. We don’t want to love the long weekend then forget everything. So we do the physical cheering and dancing. (It also keeps us energized to be able to pay total attention for 12 hr long days.) Tony isn’t for everyone.

He’s for almost everyone. But you need to be hungry and willing to take the ride as he drives. And be sure that the thousands of UPW videos available on YouTube are the kind of learning you’re seeking. November 14, 2018 at 12:17 pm I know in person missionary (billionaire) who makes 8x more money (few billions) than Tony Robbins (0.5 billions) but it didn't make me fall In Love with Christianity. I bought few books by Tony but I cannot understand how 'compound interest' can make him charge $2000 for 1000 of lucky winners(?). And how saving money can make you reach?


And why he has such voice? To greedy to spend money on vocal coaches? But frankly, again, his 'financial' books teach you that 3% with compound interest and higher risks are better than 1.5% or 15% (with super high risks). I also dislike that Frank Kern publishes videos with Tony Robbins showing you how to get money from people willing to give you money. It is not what I expected. November 12, 2018 at 6:39 pm I just went to UPW in Newark November 8 to 11th, 2018.

I don't regret going, but I was disappointed. Damn freezing cold air blew down on my head and made me sick. I had to leave stadium and buy a second hoodie.

It was freezing. In 4 days I gained about 6 hours worth of teaching. That Joseph dude is ok sometimes, but overall is annoying AF.

Constant sexual comments, orders, stand up, shake that ass, sit down, be. Right in the middle of best visual experience of my life, that Ass throws in comments to go sign up for Date with Destiny and my visual was destroyed. That really pushed me off. I love Tony and studied all his programs for 30 years. I really expected more from my first Robbins Event.

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November 8, 2018 at 11:19 pm I attended TR seminar this yeR in singapore. I want to learn from him and grow myself. I dislike 'pubs and loud music' in general but i enjoyed those sessions. I learned another way to change my state drastically. I do not like those prolonged sales pitches, hence i used those sessions to grab food n take some air. For me, its about getting the knowledge im hungry for.

These little 'imperfections', i just ignored. It depends on perceptions, which are subjective. Overall, i really enjoyed TR seminar and i would join his other courses. November 6, 2018 at 2:14 pm Like the author of this page, this is simply my opinion. I believe we all get something out of any event in life. Tony is a motivational speaker; motivation is never a solution. It's a temporary result that does not last unless it's connected to your true highest value (chief aim).

If you want lasting results, try John Demartini. He will show you how to empower yourself without the cheerleading aspect. A man who has developed a Method, that is scientifically reproducible. A man who walks his talks and has transformed literally thousands of lives over rate last 30 years.

When you go to see Tony this is actually the guy you want to see. It's called the Breakthrough experience. November 6, 2018 at 12:00 pm Love it. You felt empowered.

That's a big sign you did the right thing. I started watching a documentary on Tony Robbins. I was fascinated because he was saying all the right things for a self aware person. I wasn't keen how he went about it either. Maybe he is caught up a wee bit because for me. Self awareness is hugely enormously humbling, on your knee's, blows your mind TOTALITY kind of thing.

And it's DEEP. Closer and deeper than your own breath and heart beat.

So interestingly, I too felt empowered when I turned it off. Not deep enough. Your post makes me smile. November 19, 2018 at 11:46 am I felt the same exact way.

I have been doing therapy for almost 7 years now, and my therapist incorporates very modern techniques and we work a lot with the law of attraction, so I am really open to stuff like that. Not to sound like I feel better than some people, but I feel like if you really are in touch with yourself Tony Robins seminars will just not work for you. I feel like there is no one size fits all.

I also feel like his technique is slightly aggressive and I do not think that deep psychological trauma or pattern that you want to get rid of can be erased with a 3 day seminar. And its not like I do not want to do the work. I actually have been doing the work for 8 years.

Therefor I dont think that this will be the right fit for me. I am sure that some people can benefit and I am happy for them. However, it is good to know that there are people who feel the same way. November 4, 2018 at 8:59 am Fill yer boots top man. I learned more reading your synopsis than spending 3 days getting yelled at. I cannot stand being asked 3 times at increasingly louder volume if I'm 'In the Room'. Of course I'm in the fucking room you twat, otherwise I couldn't hear you being a full-size pillock!

I have lots of questions, because I'm a 64 year old dinosaur on my last big gig. OK, it's world domination of the small business space so it may take a little time. But I'd like to join whatever you have going because I like your style.

November 2, 2018 at 8:56 am I have mixed feelings about Tony. I was one of his devout disciples back in the early 90's 'Unlimited Power' days. I bought all his books and tapes and even went to a seminar. He does have some points of good advice, but he's also a master salesman.

He's rich because he sells stuff.a lot of stuff. The trouble I have is that he thinks he knows everything about everything. He preaches about too many areas, some of which he's probably an expert in like money and salesmanship. He's also a great 'pop' psychologist, but a PhD he is not. In his Unlimited Power series he preached about how to have successful relationships and how he had the best marriage in the world; then he got divorced. I also didn't like him talking about God and how God wanted him to be wealthy. I thought that was kind of 'out there.'

I didn't walk out of the seminar I went to, but I eventually 'walked out' on Tony Robbins. I drank enough of the Kool Aid and realized that there is more out there. October 31, 2018 at 5:30 am Everything that Robbins tells his Clients and Participants are things, which everyone else could tell themselves. And all he tells isa blueprint of what ALL those Life Coaches, etc. Tell everyone. The only difference is.the way.the intention and.the transmitting-code that a Business- or Life-Coach uses, to get YOU to suck up this information for real and be able to do something positive for yourself and your situation with it.

I could do such Semiars on the Spot, whithout having sone this before. Because I got the talent!!! Because I'm authentic!!! And I'm speaking out of Life experience as a Human Being, a Entrepeneur, a Mind-Person, a well and smart Life Spectator, etc.

Conclusion: There is nothing special about a Tony Robbins, James A. Ray, or all the others. They just know how to get their emotions, but simple content, to their Fans or Clients minds.

Everyone who pays that amount of money to him, to attend his seminars, would be better off finding a Life or Businesscoach WHO doesnt speak in front of 'thousands of people'. Find one, that has the same strength but something more, which NON of all those Tony Robbins' clones out there have: THE RIGHT TRANSMITTING CODE IN THEIR CONTENT AND SPEECH. What they do it moneymaking 'big time' on people which are just not as self confident like those 'Life and Business coaches' - that's the only difference! There's nothing more to it!! I'm different in this.

I'm a real Life-/Business Coach who doesnt need YOU to pay 20 Seminars, to get you to where you wanna go. THAT's the honest, strong, real and helpful way - in small groups or rather 1:1. I can make you aims visible and I can open peoples mind to see their reachable goals - not the ones, that someone never can reach.

Best of Luck to ya, MarVin. October 26, 2018 at 3:41 pm The LGAT (Large Group Awareness Training) concept, of which TR is not the only advocate, has some well researched info for anyone willing to look it up. It is a fascinating concept, psychologically speaking, and it is astounding to see how profoundly it affects some people. It is indeed more attractive to people who are 'searching' for something in their life that usually goes much deeper than what is implied by the chest thumping gurus who conduct these seminars. Does it help some people?

Sure it does.some. And for those who are willing to pay for this 'help', I suppose it's cheaper than formal therapy (and probably more effective). But for those who have some focus in their lives and understand what is really important, then TR (and others conducting LGAT seminars) looks like just one more carnival barker. October 23, 2018 at 3:38 pm Hi Noah, some thoughts for you.All the memes that you made of TR's mantras you went against. I am presuming you don't believe that there is 'No growth in comfort'?

Personally that is how I believe we do most of growth when we push ourselves out of our comfort zone. You were out of your comfort zone at UPW.massaging people you don't know etc so decided to leave.

You were 'uncertain' as to whether UPW seminar was a waste of your time, and your meme states that 'Success is based upon the amount of uncertainty you can handle' You don't seem to be able to handle that much. The next meme of 'Your worst day can be your best day' you didn't stick around to find out.and finally 'Have a hunger that is insatiable and always expanding'.well you didn't seem to be hungry to see what the next days held for you. I am not criticizing you at all, just reflecting back that what TR's sees as key elements to follow/succeed you did not attempt to follow.

I am attending DWD in December and I am currently doing research so I can get the most out of it. I am not sure you can judge something that you didn't actually experience is like reading the opening pages of a book and then saying you didn't like the can you form a judgement or opinion when you only see a small part of the picture? I am taking my time to comment on your info (which I don't often do) in the hopes you can use this.

I am hoping for a great experience in December. I am nervous about 12-13 hr days and 'massaging people' etc but after reading your review I know I need to fully commit and see it to the end in order to ensure I get as much from it as possible. Thank you for solidifying this for me.and I wish you a wonderfully bright future filled with much happiness. At the end of the day maybe TR is not your guru LOL! BTW your physical transformation is amazing! October 23, 2018 at 7:41 am Love and greetings. It looks like you have learned well in those 7 hours how to advertise yourself so I find it very unfair that you claimed your money back.

Everybody goes to school to learn. What you do with what you learn is totally and entirely up to you. No teacher appears by your bed side and makes sure you complete your bucket list. I hear that millions appeared at his seminars past 32 years and used his books and training programs to their cheers to success.

So if you did not, it is okay. And I doubt that Tony Robbin's team is using any of your business. Were you turned down, you raised your hand and you were not picked for intervention during the seminar? Being this successful, you were not recognized?

Is that why you left? But you are loved.

And your before after photo. Well, thats something else.

Lets discuss that in another article. Thank you for sharing.

Love and hugs xo You rock! October 21, 2018 at 12:10 pm Well said sir. I feel the same way. The Netflix special was fake man. Those ppl were actors. The philosophy is what I want to keep alive in my mind.

Every time something throws me off, every time I find out something else,I try to remember that not everyone is perfect. But I do believe that Tony Robbins set up originally a little shady and then learn some value in his life and made up for it for a time there with instilling values and other peoples lives. But now he’s caught up again getting blinded trying to sell more and more and more instead of remembering what he originally came from. He preaches it so much now using the same phrases and techniques to get through to people.He’s done this so much it’s become meaningless. Is losing me now but when you listen to a lot of his material,it’s pretty ground breaking. It’s amazing,his way of getting around things.

And like Wayne Dyer says, if your selling me placebos and they work for me,then I’m into buying those anyway,sorry if I misspelled anything and I never speak with anyone about this sort of study usually, so I thought I’d reach out. Also,8 figures? Congrats I’m still figuring out 6 lol. October 4, 2018 at 11:26 pm Thanks for sharing. I do not do well in a hyper-vented environment. Someone called me today and wanted me to invest. My response was, invest what.

We are not poor. We are blessed to have a nice home, food, car, necessities, friends, etc.

I am not sure that having more money will really enrich our lives; however, we could assist others with need and maybe enrich theirs. But, again, what money to invest. I do what I can for others and know if God wanted me to do more, there would be more.

Still pondering investing. Thank you for your input. I really did receive value information from this information. October 4, 2018 at 8:42 pm Just attended the UPW 2018 in Sydney. There was so much content there it will take time to digest and needs to include a 'roadmap' which doesn't involve paying for a coach.

Since attending and during attendance the hard sell has not stopped. It is over the top and making it hard to stay focussed on the content of UPW. I'm annoyed at myself for signing up to Business Mastery 2019 at a time when I need that money to put back into my business. The cost to attend in Florida is going to be steep. And then they keep barraging me continuously to buy Mastery University. From reading some of the comments on the Facebook group I have a feeling some people have gotten themselves into financial trouble by falling for the 'cross out pricing' and 'limited time offer' selling techniques. I have told the 'mentors' my feelings on the subject.

My biggest complaint is that they are not interested in getting feedback from attendees to improve what they are doing. And I really agree with your comment on 'More time to talk with the people around us' but I think it needs to be in group settings like in Date with Destiny. October 3, 2018 at 10:58 am i attended a one day seminar in Ottawa and while I was originally told there would be no sales gimicks, I found that the other speakers were flogging their books on personal development and courses on investment. I am an 83 yr old retired lawyer and not easily influences but I was swept up in the tide and purchased a course with Phil Town. It was initially valued at nearly $10,000. And was offered for $475 for one person and a guest.

The attendees ran like lemmings to take advantage of the offer. I went out for a coffee and was swept up in the frenzy and signed up for the course. Two days later I found $667. Has been deducted from my credit card.

Apparently the cost of the course was in US dollars. The course had been billed as completely refunded if you were not completely satisfied. I felt I had been duped and taken advantage of. I requested a refund, was told to Contact 'Power of Success', which I did but have not heard from them. Aside from my allegation of fraud, I am dismayed that Tony Robbins would permit such crass marketing to be done on a very vulnerable and captive audience.

He is allowing himself to be used as a marketing tool for others who obviously do not espouse the values he professes. September 28, 2018 at 10:23 am How do you get behind guys like tony when they charge so much for their service. I sure for a lot less then 5000 i could pay someone to tell me how worth while i am and how much i should be on the planet. I recently watched a few minutes of a documentry they have of him on Netflix where at the start of it he was talking to a guy who felt sucidal and other than telling the guy he is worth it and some other kind of just what i call bandaid answers of positivity he did not really dig into any of the issues in the guys life that might be causing him to feel this way. It was like he was offering him bandaids for the bullet holes in this guys life. Not real solutions and i am sure if i gave you 5000 you would do the same for me that os why i am skeptical of people like tony when they are paid so much for there stuff.

November 5, 2018 at 3:48 pm He has a ton of cheaper products and free material. These are his PREMIUM products. If he was simply a marketer selling dreams, he'd have disappeared 2 decades ago.

Instead, he gives 100% of the profits of his new books to FEEDING tons and tons of people in poor countries. And re: the suicidal guy from the Documentary. You missed the point. He made the guy laugh.

He purposely threw off the guys mental state aka interrupted a pattern that led the guy down the path of suicidal tendencies. He was SHOWING the guy that another mindstate is possible at ANY moment.

Tony makes a lot of money. But you know what else he does?

He works insanely hard. He donates a TON of money. He has helped MILLIONS of people. It's called an exchange of value. Just because someone is rich, doesn't mean they are 'scamming' someone else in the process. How many countries in Africa have you fed?

September 20, 2018 at 12:56 pm I research multiple self-help persons with the focus on what I can take away and apply to my individual needs and areas of improvement. I do not ever expect anyone else to 'fix' me; that is my job. In all self-improvement classes or seminars there is a certain amount of showmanship and Tony Robbins is no exception. All I have heard or read coming from TR has been his way of attempting to connect with people seeking his advise and counsel. Sure he makes mistakes, he even admits this, but in my opinion he runs a good business which encourages people to rise above their circumstances and be more than they are. September 17, 2018 at 8:48 am Firstly who pays $2,000 for a seminar secondly walks out of such a seminar one the first day! That says more about you then Tony Robbins.

I don’t attend no seminars or spend hours and hours on this stuff, but I can not deny it is helpful, how helpful l? Well that depends on the individual. Many successful business people and presidents and world leaders swear by him they have used him continuously. For example Billionaire Marks Beinoff founder of sales force and top hedge fund manager Ray Dalio net worth 18 billion a leading authority are just two example of people who have used him their whole lives. It is about what you take from people like Tony and what you do with it not everyone will succeed by virtue of who they are and what they do.

I am British so a natural sceptic when it comes to these things I never buy into the seminars etc but listening to some videos and reading the books is great and insightful, just don’t get carried away with it everything in moderation. September 16, 2018 at 4:19 pm I just attended the UPW in Sydney. My view: -There are a lot of good mindset and personal growth concepts presented for beginners to this area or for those that need a refresher. And you do get to dig deep on yourself.However, I do think it could be condensed into 2 days rather than 4 days. The dancing and hugging etc is a necessary part of the 'changing your state' and having some fun, but I think there is a bit too much of it.

Although, I think pushing you to your limits with the energy you need to expend and how long the days are, is part of TRs strategy of change.Some people walk out because of the Ra Ra type energy,but on the other hand some people find it too confronting having to dig deep to answer some honest questions about yourself and your life. They get defensive and dismiss it all as rubbish and use the ra ra as an excuse to walk out -I feel that if you are really hungry for change, and want to learn even something, you will put up with all the stuff you do not like to gain the solid content and dig deep on yourself. In fact, I think making it so intense is part of the methodology and that it works for many people.I feel, putting up with something that may not be your style, is part of getting out of your comfort zone which you need to do for change.Yes, the upselling on day 2 /3 was a bit annoying and took a bit too much time. One speaker took ages to tell his story which at first was interesting and engaging, but in the end felt tacky as an upsell. But, that was not the end of the world and did not negate the strategies I learnt.The stadium is really cold, Tony keeps it like that purposely, take a warm jacket.So overall, I do not regret going, I learnt some things and reinforced stuff I had learnt before, I had fun and played full out. There are things I will take action on as a result and my life and mindset will improve as it does year by year as I learn other things also.

If you can afford it go for the learning and experience. Stay open minded about the process and hoop la, have some fun, make some new friends. September 13, 2018 at 12:43 am Hi Noah GOOD ON YOU!

Many yrs ago I worked for a company that brought Tony Robbins to Australia. I have worked UPW behind the scenes several times. I have met Tony personally and believe me I am a midget standing next to him.

I agree with your comments and must say your reasons for walking out are valid- they are the same reasons I find as the weak spots in Tony's marketing and presentations. Don't get me wrong I think Tony is great however 20 years later I know he is but the beginning to a success journey or should I say spiritual journey- I also had the pleasure of working with Brian Tracy, Deepak Chopra, Louise Hayes and others.

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