Covergirl Trublend Foundation. Natasha Girl Nude

The right side of Face is the COVERGIRL TruBlend Liquid Makeup in Ivory L-1, Left side of Face left bare. Applied using my finger to work it in. See that see the dry texture though. Coverage was sheer. I took out some of my redness and unevenness but the blemishes are still fairly viable.

My freckles are still notable as well on my right side. Colour: Ivory L-1 is a neutral pale but slightly peach nude. Wear: I got 8 hours in in one day during the heat and humidity without fading. Packaging: A glass jar with a pump.

The Cover Girl TruBlend Matte Made Liquid Foundation featured in this post was provided for editorial consideration. All opinions are 100% my own. Well, there you go, drugstore beauty, continually lifting yourselves up many notches – and much to my surprise! Cover Girl TruBlend Matte Made Liquid Foundation is brand new and very impressive. There are 40 shades available in this new foundation line which touts several benefits, including oil control, a pore minimizing matte finish, transfer resistance, and up to 12 hours of wear time. That’s a tall order to fill! I received shades M20 – M90 to try out. I have to admit I haven’t had the fondest feelings towards – they just didn’t work out that well for me!

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Covergirl Trublend Matte Made

However, I went into this foundation with an open mind and zero expectations. From the get go I was incredibly impressed with the pump that this foundation comes with. Pumps aren’t always included with drugstore (or high end) foundations, so this was a boon! I tested each of the foundations and the best match for me is M40. I’m really impressed by how well this color matches my skin tone.


Overall I am very happy with the texture, the coverage and how well this foundation photographs. This offers medium coverage that can be built up or sheered down. It blends easily and does maintain its integrity throughout the day. The only issue I had was that I had oil breakthrough in my t zone (my forehead and nose) after about four hours even when I used a primer and a setting spray. I love that there is a wide array of undertones represented, both yellow and pink. From left to right are M20, M30, M40 and M50. And here are M60, M70, M80 and M90.

And it photographs beautifully! My Final Thoughts: Cover Girl TruBlend Matte Made Liquid Foundation wins big time in color range choices and texture. It really feels like a higher end foundation and performs really well. The only issue is the t zone oil breakthrough after about 4 hours or so, which is easily remedied with some powder. Rating: A- Price: Around $10 Availability: Mass Market Retailers Cruelty-free?

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