Swing Java Eclipse For Mac
That is weird. I tried your sample (no linux) and don't see any problem there. So as Wayne mentioned, might be macos issue.
Ivt bluesoleil 10.0.417 keygen for mac. The user can also quickly stabilize networks, and transaction data with many other Bluetooth allowed computers. IVT BlueSoleil 10.0.496.1 Full Version + Crack! [Latest] Aren’t the users tired of obstructing wires?
Btw, what is your java version you're using? On the other hand problem might be in the code you didn't share with us = hard to guess:) EDIT: OK, so it seems you're playing 'guess what I have in my code' game with us:) As my assumption is that code not shown causes problem. It reminds me of some of these Poiroit/Agatha Christie detective stories, where just a little detail might have significant impact on the reality. This is the reason for my theory:. code shown uses Java swing library ( import javax.swing.) + Awt ( import java.awt.) - this combonation is a common use case, however. the error message you shared shows SWT library error ( Setting timeout for SWT to 0.100000) So to me it seems like you're mixing things that should never be mixed.
As Swing is java UI library that is completely OS independent (originally Sun made) that is built on top of Awt. However SWT is completely different java UI library which is kind of mix of native calls with java on it (originally IBM made). Therefor I'd suggest to double check your code and make sure that if you use JFrame, the only library components you have there are from Swing ( javax.swing.) / Awt ( java.awt.).
Swing Java Eclipse For Machine Learning
Just looking through some old code for a Java/Swing editor I started writing years ago, I saw this line of code that I added specifically for the Mac OS X platform: System.setProperty('com.apple.mrj.application.apple.menu.about.name', 'WikiTeX'); For a Java application running on Mac OS X (a 'Mac Java' application), this sets the name of the main menu on the Mac menubar to 'WikiTeX', which happens to be the current name of my editor. As I mentioned in an earlier posting, you also need this line of code to put the Java JMenuBar on the Mac OS X menubar: System.setProperty('apple.laf.useScreenMenuBar', 'true'); What the heck, while I'm here I'll cover it all.