Callaway Fti Fusion Driver For Mac
The Callaway Fusion FT-i looks tidy sat behind the ball, with its square back pointing towards the perfect takeaway path. Callaway has worked for years with carbon-body drivers: older models sounded dead and dull, but the company has now learned how to tune the heads so they sound powerful and pleasing, and the FT-i is no exception.
This isn’t quite the longest driver in this test, but with an average of 298 yards when hit by our pro it’s certainly no slouch. We sldo appreciate the RRP of £399 is a lot, but in the real world you’re more likely to find the FT-i at around £349 – and many players will feel it’s worth it to hit more fairways. The Callaway Fusion FT-i Driver has a 460cc complete Inertial Design square head, with Opti-Fit weighting system. Contact: 020 8391 0100 Web: Lofts: 9°, 10°, 11°, 13°. 5 out of 5 What a shot saver! 12 October 2008 By billysandy Have had the driver for about 3 months, and have only been playing for a little longer than that. The beauty of this driver is that it's very suitable for a mid to high handicapper much like myself.

Even when i am driving worse than usual, i can reduce my swing to half a backswing, and i only lose 30 yards out of the 240 i usually hit. This driver has been the gem of my bag and will be for the next few years.
I highly recommend this club, and the only drawback is the price. 5. 5 out of 5 Callaway AA Cannon 29 August 2008 By michael hamilton Like using a sledgehammer to crack a wallnut, Lots of power very forgiving and sounds amazing!!! What more do you need. 5 out of 5 Easy!! 22 June 2008 By haze This club makes driving easy!! Middle for diddle every time.
5 out of 5 great club 29 March 2008 By andy6494 great club, best driver ive ever had. Sends the ball on a high and long flight and great on off center hits.although a bit of handfull when shaping shots. 5 out of 5 Callaway FT-i 28 March 2008 By Rhys Edwards When this first came out I thought it looked like a shovel. That was until I gave one a blast at my local range, completely cured my slice and added 30 yards to my drives compared to my old Titleist 983! The quoted price of £399 is rubbish too! I've seen them going for about £275 on the internet. If that still sounds a bit steep, have a look at some ex-demo's or second-handers in pro shops and big stores; I'm pretty sure you could find a used one in good condition for around £150 if you're lucky.
The performance is just so much better than anything else on the market today, and it's well worth that extra bit of cash in my opinion. 5 out of 5 Happy to be a square 14 October 2007 By kjaved Fantastic driver that does all the work: just take aim and shoot.
It goes long and mostly down ther middle if you keep it smooth. Has reduced my score just need to work on the short irons now!.
5 out of 5 Hit 'em Straight 14 July 2007 By lwhooper Since using the FT-i for the past month I've rediced my average score from 98 to 90, all due to the distance and accuracy of the driver. That can't be bad. And you can get it for nearly half the price quoted.
5 out of 5 Forget your predjudices 04 July 2007 By jeff griffiths Square Pah! A gimmick I thought until I hit it, once - a fluke, twice -early days 6 rounds later I was a convert, you will be too. Oh yea and the sound is awesome. 5 out of 5 Perfection 29 June 2007 By philiplewis23 I used to have the callaway fusion FT-3 that was a great driver. But i got this for half price in america at $500. It goes straight where ever you hit it.
Best driver ever hit. 5 out of 5 brilliant club 19 May 2007 By stephenharrop Does exactly what it says. Longer straighter drives even when you hit off centre. I've added a lot more consistency and loads of yards. Highly recomend you try one. 5 out of 5 PLEASE try this club.

07 April 2007 By broomehead All I can say is try this club. You just smile every time you pull this Driver from the bag.
5 out of 5 Better than I thought it would be! 04 April 2007 By steve pitch I thought 'square' was all going to be hype.
But had to try one anyway. I hit about 30 balls with one that a pro picked out for me, and had to buy it there and then. I have a tendency to hit a slight slice and found myself hitting the fairway 75% of the time. You can still hit a bad shot with any club but this one really does help to keep it straight when you strike away from the center (as the tape showed I had).
Expensive, but makes a great sound and will annoy my friends by keeping me out of the usual trouble on the right!. 5 out of 5 Strong performer 31 March 2007 By nettscore I have tried this club in a couple of configurations and it is simple the most forgiving driver i have ever hit. Even tried the 11 degree regular which i think is going to be a huge seller for people that struggle with a driver. The Speeder shaft is a good shaft and fit well with the head to give a balanced feel. I also new exactly where the clubhead was at all times. I went for 9degree stiff personally but there will be a configuration to suit all.
Callaway Fti Fusion Driver For Mac Pro
I predict this will be the biggest selling club this year. You can now get this for 299. Grab a bargain and enjoy the short suff for a change!!!. 2 out of 5 What a waste of time! 30 March 2007 By Adam Hughes The FT-i i tried at a recent demo day was no different from any other r7,g5 or HiBore except its about £100 more expensive and looks like a lego brick!
The Callaway Fusion FT-i is one of the most talked about clubs on the market right now. The company was one of a handful that turned their attention to the idea of a square driver.
The FT-i is a combination of Callaway’s Fusion technology and a new high MOI design. What The Company Says I think we all know the basics behind carbon composite construction. Less weight on the crown means more weight available to move around and alter how the club works.
The previous FT-3 driver really set the stage for the FT-i it introduced us to the idea of preset weight configurations and how they are achieved using carbon material. The whole idea behind the shape of this driver is stability.
Unfortunately, we don’t hit the club exactly where we want it every time. Shots struck on different areas of the club face result in totally different shots. Callaway has set out to create a club that produces more consistent shots no matter where the ball and face meet. Callaway has really improved their stock shafts over the years and the Fujikura shafts used in the FT-i are more than enough for the average golfer. What Our Readers Say Reader response has been fairly positive. Here are some comments I actually like the shape and sound. For a square driver, I think that it looks better then the Sumo2.
The Sumo2 looks like a shoe box on a stick and sounded like a shotgun going off. The FT-i is a lot more pleasing to the eye. I could put a little more mustard on the ball because it felt VERY stable through impact, and it has very good balance. I like the shaft, I had never tried a 562 speeder before, good trajectory, good sound. We sell more FT-i drivers in my shop than the Nike SUMO2. I think people are warming up to these different clubs but it might take a while for them to really become mainstream.
A good club but not a great club as far as I’m concerned. Overall Reader Rating – 70% What Our Customers Say The FT-i falls into an interesting category. It seems that the only club that people compare it to is the other big square driver the Nike SUMO2. This makes it a bit difficult to get a true reading on it but let’s just say there have been more positive comments than negative ones. The FT-3 is a decent looking driver and we hear a lot of the “it looks pretty good for a square driver” comments.
There is no doubt that the FT-i is loaded with technology and our customers find it works to their advantage. The composite crown, the square head and the different weight configurations help make this one of the straightest drivers on the market today. The sound and feel are about par for the course in today’s market. The stock shaft options are great and the addition of a Tour version appeals to the better player.
The two biggest knocks we hear some people don’t like the look and most dislike the price. I think the look comment is expected not everyone is jumping on the square bandwagon. There are a lot of non-square, high MOI options out there for these people. I agree with the price comments. The FT-i is on the higher side of the driver range and I’ve seen people walk away from it when they hear the price.
Sure there is a lot of really good technology present but most golfers that we’ve talked to have a budget that doesn’t allow for the FT-i. Optiarc dvd rw ad-7173a ata device driver for mac pro. Overall Customer Rating – 74% Overall Combined Rating – 72%.