Gleichzeitiges Bearbeiten Eines Dokuments Mit Anderen Autoren
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- Gleichzeitiges Bearbeiten Eines Documents Mit Anderen Autoren
- Gleichzeitiges Bearbeiten Eines Dokuments Mit Anderen Autoren
'LibreOffice' and 'The Document Foundation' are registered trademarks of their corresponding registered owners or are in actual use as trademarks in one or more countries. Their respective logos and icons are also subject to international copyright laws.
Use thereof is explained in our unless otherwise noted.
The project (Python AsyncIO REST API Framework) is an example for a horrible and tasteless project name. a guillotina was used by the Nazi regime to kill thousands of resistance fighters during 1939-1945. This includes the resistence group 'Weise Rose'. There leaders - Hans and Sophie Scholl - were murded and killed with a guillotina (among various others). beheading was one of the cruel killing and terror methods by ISIS over the last years. beheading is still the primary death penalty method in 'modern' Saudi Arabia The history of the Guillotina dates back to the French revolution in the 1789 and of course more than two centuries have passed. However there is no to place for joking about a method for kiling people that is still in use until today.
The 'joke' of naming the project 'Guillotina' is that is represents an implementation of a 'headless' got the point.they wanted to be funny but in the end the choice of the project name is horrible and tasteless. Earlier this year we started with the of the collaborative editor in Plone 5. Our goal for 2017 is to provide integrations of SMASHDOCs for all major CMS implementations like Drupal, Joomla, Typo3, Wordpress and others. The technical foundation of all CMS specific implementations are language specific wrappers of the SMASHDOCs webservice API. At the moment we provide wrappers for the following languages:. (working, tested). (working, tested).
(working, tested). C# (work in progress) All wrappers will be provided for free under the GNU Public License V2 (GPL2). All wrapper share basically the same common API which is fully for Python. On top of the language specific SMASHDOCs wrappers we will provide CMS specific implementations like the one for Plone.
A prototype integration of SMASHDOCs with Drupal is currently in the making. The name of this new project is Creating Content Together. Besides the SMASHDOCs integration we will optionally provide extended publishing capabilities based on our decade-long experience with project based on the stack and our CMS solution.
Further informations about roadmap, functionality and pricing can be found on the websites above. Both sites will be relaunched within the next week. Also the English website will see a native translation (currently automatically translated using Google Translate).
Contact Andreas Jung. We are proud to present the integration of - 'a web-based intelligent word processing platform' - with Smashdocs allows you to work as a group of editors or commentators on documents. # Smashdocs supports. the standard editor functionality in combination with change tracking. review of changes,. commenting,. approval or rejection of changes.
Smashdocs can be compared to Google Docs but it works completely different and it is much smarter about versioning, collaboration features and approving or rejecting changes. Smashdocs supports (similar to Plone) a role-based access model:. Reader. Commentator.
Editor. Approver Existing DOCX content can be imported into Smashdocs through Plone. Smashdocs can generate various output formats like DOCX, PDF, EPub, HTML - formatted in the layout and look & feel of your corporate identity. A later version of our integration will be able to pull these formats automatically from Smashdocs and store them directly in Plone. So your documents can be made available for download (DOCX or PDF) and also published directly within the Plone CMS - within the same look and feel as your Plone 5 website.
Smashdocs offers various hosting options (public cloud, private cloud, self-hosted) - see the Smashdocs options. The integration of Smashdocs with Plone 5 is work-in-progress and is available as open-source. Smashdocs is available for free for elegible NGOs - please check the Smashdocs. You can test Plone 5 and Smashdocs on our Plone demo site.
Contact Andreas Jung/ZOPYX P +49 7071 793376. As part of our professional publishing strategy we will bring real collaborative editing to Plone. We started with the integration of - 'a web-based intelligent word processing platform'. Smashdocs is about collaborative editing in the browser with decent support for collaborative and concurrent authoring, tracking changes, discuss and comment on content, review and approve/reject content changes. Smashdocs support different roles: readers, commentators, editors and approvers.
Here is a quick&dirty showing the first cut of the integration with Plone 5. The for protecting the trademarks are dangerous and harmful to the open-source community around Docker. In particular you are not allowed to use. repository names for your open-source projects starting with 'docker'. use 'docker' as part of a Twitter names like @dockersucks, @dockerfan or @docker-usergroup-nyc. I asked Docker Inc.
Was it colder? Data reported by the weather station on December 1, 2017. 00:00 23° 00:30 23° 01:00 23° 01:30 22° 02:00 22° 02:30 22° 03:00 21° 03:30 21° 04:00 21° 04:30 21° 05:00 21° 05:30 21° 06:00 21° 06:30 21° 07:00 21° 07:30 21° 08:00 21° 08:30 21° 09:00 22° 09:30 22° 10:00 22° 10:30 22° 11:00 22° 11:30 22° 12:00 22° 12:30 22° 13:00 22° 13:30 22° 14:00 23° 14:30 23° 15:00 23° 15:30 23° 16:00 23° 16:30 22° 17:00 22° 17:30 22° 18:00 22° 18:30 21° 19:00 21° 19:30 21° 20:00 21° 20:30 21° 21:00 21° 21:30 21° 22:00 21° 22:30 21° 23:00 21° 23:30 21° Was it hotter in Ha Noi last year? Free weather mac ca noi. Such day as today a year ago. You can see all the historical data and other dates in.
About using 'docker-' as part of some of my repository projects on Github. So here is there answer: So what does this mean? You are subject to be contacted the Docker Inc. For renaming or removing your project. In the worst case Docker Inc.
Gleichzeitiges Bearbeiten Eines Documents Mit Anderen Autoren
To make it clear: every company has a right to defend the trademarks and copyrights - no exception. However a company like Docker Inc.
Gleichzeitiges Bearbeiten Eines Dokuments Mit Anderen Autoren
That is driven and backed by a huge open-source community has certain obligations regarding the fair-use of trademarks by the community. The current Docker trademark policy is an asshole policy: Brought to the point: We are Docker Inc, we are the kings.
You (the community).we don't care about you. How can Docker Inc. Get out of this problem:. relax the policy for open-source project regarding repository names, social media names etc.
For open-source usage of Docker technology. allow the usage of 'docker' in domain names for open-source in general e.g. For usergroups etc. (any person should be allowed to ask 'docker' as part of domain name for non-commercial purposes).
We had the same discussions with Zope Corporation 15 years ago regarding trademarks etc. Around the term. In the end Zope Corporation moved most of the copyrights and trademarks into the and established a fair-use policy that worked for the years. The same is true for other entities holding copyrights and trademarks like the project with its legal entity the. Copyright and trademarks vs. Open-source community is not a contradiction. The last decade and longer showed that there is reasonable way to deal with commercial interests side by side with community interests.
So Docker Inc play nice and fair with the people that made you what you are. Clarification: Docker Inc. Did not ask me to take down or rename my repositories. As you can see from the screenshot I asked Docker Inc for a clarification on this issue and the answer is shown above.